
11:25 I messed up the spelling due to auto correct it’s apost to say “when your realize if I wasn’t jaw I would of died here”


XxExtremeRay will be back and stronger than before


The moment colossal left, everything went wrong


Nice video


Scene when he try to avenge his friend but got grab by card titan really made me laugh to hell😂😂😂


Bro the memes😂😭


what? it's been 2 months? Also, the reason why fem is there is bc in stages 2, 3 or 4 fem was forced to unshift/shift and the player who was fem left. leaving the Titans' body. this can happen with pure Titans when you go in the Titans' mouth. I bet no one will care about this comment.

Edit: I forgot to mention that if this does happen to any titan, it will stay there forever.


Y u run away like that


you didn't sell but your still not him.  Also im getting better at svh.  SO, THAT MEANS IM HIM! 😁