To all of you beautiful geminis out there. Stay strong. Just remember that sound is a powerful healing source. It can give direct access to your spirituality. And keep you balanced. I’m a Gemini. And music is my source of power. It always was.
Thx...I’m Gemini and this took away depression and anxiety
Im a Gemini and I appreciate the multiple use of different instruments in this frequency. Especially the piano. This helps. Thanks.
im also a Gemini this helps so much its insane, this really takes away sadness for me, do any other Gemini's feel bipolar sometimes? or is it just me...
I'm feeling mellow and orangy again finally thanks ♊
I'm a Gemini
Wow the second the music started my headache went away. Thank you! New subscriber here. Now there is goose bumps everywhere! OMG! I’m 62, where has this been all my life? LOL plz tell me I can buy a cd of this all
To all those who have lost their self identically speaking... miss you Kimberley. I'm a chiron in ♊ wounded healer blessed be... A part of my soul is missing.
I feel bipolar and it even get sometimes extreme for me that i feel like i have changed/killed my personality or personalities a lot of times that i don't realy know who i am or who i am meant to become in the future. [PS: what or who am i if my sun is gemini and moon is taurus and rising is scorpio?] I feel like a heavy burden/fate was already decided on me before i was even born and i wonder that everytime since that random massive nosebleeding i got one time in my life for no reason and i also had 6 wierd abstract dreams in my life that i remember and i also wake up on the morning sometimes with claw marks on my body and animals are more scared to be near me than other people and dogs lock their eyes at me looking at me either with sadness or untrust and i can't see what they see in me or near me.
thanks for this! it finally got my personalities to hush up for a sec and think rationally! we all thank you
Woooo, this works like my anxiety instantly went away...
At once discordant and triumphant: Gemini.