
Chivalry? Meet your successor, Industrialized Killing.


This entire anime reminds me of the phrase “some men think they can outsmart me, maybe, I have yet to met one that can outsmart bullet”


When you didnt know the Player you attacked was allied with a Level 100 Player


The fact that the two biggest threats in the show are American, Russian, and Chinese assassins and the Japanese public's outrage over five soldiers being badasses really highlights the sheer amount of power imbalance.

It's like the writers watched an alternate history video on "How long could a modern military hold out in Roman times?", saw the answer was "Until their ammunition runs out," and decided to make an anime where the ammunition can't run out.


"You must be the strongest military in your world, right?"
"Oh, we're only the fifth strongest actually."


4:42 "Absolute violence that no human can withstand..."

WW1~WW2 sit in the back :Yeah its been some tough times.


What I love about this anime, even though the JSDF knows that the enemy were technologically inferior, they didn't underestimate the enemy one bit.


A piece of advice for the empire: if the guys who were winning start to retreat, start running


This anime took the saying "any sufficient enough advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" into the extreme.


When you mess with some kid and he brings his older brother and his friends.


It's honestly scary if you put yourself into their shoes. You're used to being able to see the enemy up close and personal, with swords and maces striking armor. But now you're going up against a faceless machine that is capable of killing hundreds of men in seconds with a click of a button.


Medieval: We has tons of men and magic

Modern: G U N


"Violence that no human can witstand"
Nukes: oh dont look at us, we dont bring violence, we just bring the sun right to your face


Can we just appreciate the one guy who shot an arrow at an attack chopper


This went from a bloody medieval battle to a massacre in seconds


“Violence no human can withstand” oh, this is just a preview


3:27 "Switching to your sidearm is faster than reloading."


sees ballista on the wall
"AA weapon on the wall"
me: I don't think you need to worry about it


4:15 “waifu has been secured. Evacuating the perimeter immediately.”


Mages: I can deflect your arrows with my wind magic!

JSDF: Can it deflect a 20mm ammo?