
“The worst thing she could say is no”


Bro was not accepting the Friendzone 💀


The “thanks freindo” was personal 💀


Nah the “ friendo “ is crazy 💀


"I find you attract"....."You found me a tractor 🚜"

She got creative with thee friend zoning 😂❤


Telling someone to go outside after they confess their feelings for you have to be one of the petty yet funniest things ever


I like how that character started out as one little side character in a singular short and now they’re an actual  contributing character


That's one way to say "we friends tho"


She really said,
“Go touch some grass”


It's either he's clueless that she's friendzoning him, or he's not accepting defeat.


Grandma really told anna may to friendzone aiden after last short💀


Man is deep inside the friend zone. Let us pay our respects 🫡


Aiden: I have a crush on y-
Anna may: Crushes Aiden with a hydraulic press


Aiden: i wanna be your bo-
Boe: punches the living soul out of him


Pal, Buddy, Friendo, she's trying so hard to tell him she doesn't like him 💀


I feel guilty when i try to be nice about not liking them back


How lovely. They seem to be really good friends.


The joke of her name being Anna May which sounds like Anime is awful and I love it


“Anna May” You imbicile! That was very… clever…


"Anna May" 💀💀