
The Americans banned China from participating in the International space station & Europe banned China's request to join the Europe GPS, so China has no choice but to develop it's modest Tian- Gong space station & the Beidou GPS, what has China done wrong?


Unless it is the US, it's a threat.


I remember in 2003 when China first sent a taikonaut in space. Western media discarded that event as only for PRESTIGE. They said: China better save their limited resources and talents to alleviate poverty, build infrastructure and invest in education. FFWD 20 years. China prove they can excel in EVERY domain


Does not look like a nightmare to me. It is a beautiful dream for mankind.


Nightmare for who? The rest of the world has no problem


its so crazy, we were all so busy laughing and mocking at china... while the chinese quietly surpassed us!


Toward the end of the video, he said:”Thanks for the foundation laid by other nations”. What? Have you ever heard about no such thing as free lunch? No country gives the Chinese access to the International Space Station that was why we Chinese had to build our space station. Please get the facts right.


meanwhile, USA is still figuring how to get their two astronauts back to earth


China's story is a powerful testament to the world, showing that no force can hold you back when you're determined to work hard and stand your ground. China's rise serves as an inspiration, proving that perseverance and self-reliance can overcome even the most significant challenges.


I still remember ten years ago when american medias insulted chinese space station as 'a dream too far away'. And all comments in that medias were laughing at china. Now, nobody laughing


How could China be a threat to the U.S., when it comes to space? Didn't the collective West make fun of the Chinese space program, its space station, its taikonauts, and so on?


We are sick and tired of the zero sum mentality of western imperialists. Their selfishness is sickening. China's space station is a nightmare only to selfish and jealous characters. Live and let live


One correction: China is not playing catch-up but is already ahead of the curve.


It is america who miltarized space not china


It's true, without full transparency it's hard to know what the Chinese are putting up there, but given China's track record and the fact that you don't know what the US is putting up there either, I'd have more trust in the Chinese, after all, it's been ~50 years since China was in a war and in that time the US has been constantly at war and is in a war and an action that can't be named without me being banned.


When the space tech of the West advances, everyone cheers or should cheer. But when China's space tech advances and appears to be way ahead, it is a threat? How about working harder and improving further instead of worrying??!!


Bring back you astronauts first before concern about china


Way is china sound like a enemy again? We love china❤


I'd rather China was in control, America has shown its spots.


Keeping China away from the international space station was not a good idea, woolfe