
Me: plays this music out loud in my room
Dad: stop
Me: why?
Dad: we got bigger speakers Downstairs


bro like u killed it ✌️👌 absolutely 🔥❤️


Brooo 😢😢❤ my old days


i like this song so much i reamber my childhood i get my dad's phone and i listen to this music


this seems a dope party song  🔥🔥🔥🔥


You made this a disco music


This is so underrated


This sounds like it could fit a title screen of an arcade Mario Kart game


Che musica...non mi stanco di riascoltarla♥️




ascends to futuristic world


Very cool, can you make short swimming version ? Thanh you


Ooooooohhhhh yeaaaaaaaah 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🇮🇶




Awesome ❤


Bro u have mp3 version of this or wav maybe? I couldn’t find it in apple music 🤣




Op bro🤎

