I loved that "and WTF does Flashlight mean, isn't the whole thing a flashlight?!"
Trijicon, Leupold, and now surefire. The thrilling conclusion to the trilogy where hop digs up a jank discontinued products and then bullies the company for 10min.
surefire is about to sneak some olights under hop’s pillow for this one
If you want enough of something, we'll build it. :)
I used one of these for several years including a deployment. We loved it due to the pros discussed here and never saw that radio issue FWIW 🇺🇸🔦
Fun fact I got to know since a friend of a friend was the movie set armorer on "Sicario", the "hero" rifle had an original SureFire 720v, but the "stunt" rifle had a non IR airsoft replica of it, just to avoid getting it destroyed/ruined in impacts.
Instructions for light unclear; wound up being dragged into an ethically questionable CIA operation for bureaucratic reasons.
I’m old enough that I remember when a Maglight was state of the art. I still have one kicking around the house somewhere. It is amazing how much flashlights have improved.
FUN FACT: You can trip GFCI wall outlets with a radio if you key one up within a few inches of the outlet. We do it all the time where I work as a prank when someone is trying to type a report. So I can believe radio interference might cause this light to activate.
Good God that thing is so complicated it needs its own MOS.
“And what the fuck does flashlight mean? The whole thing is a flashlight” got me
Wilson Combat wanted me to ask why the heck do you need a WML!? Don't shoot the messenger! 😂
US SOCOM: Make us a weaksauce pistol light for our rifles. But make it EXTRA. Surefire: Wut? US SOCOM: (Waving $$) EXTRAAAA Surefire: (pockets $$) We can never talk about this…
I love old and stolen surplus flashlights.
One of the Air Force Security Forces dudes we had in our small detachment in Afghanistan had the M720V on his issue rifle
If you don't have a Hellfighter 5 on your rifle, you don't truly operate.
Never realized incandescent bulbs are used for infrared emitters. But that makes a lot of sense now. Learn something every day..
Ahh, the eternal struggle obtain even older and worse equipment.
Surefire: "Thank you for finding the remaining material Hop..." DELETE Inserts Mandela effect