Felicia was clearly the glue that held this trio together. Silco planned things out, Vander was the Get-Things-Done guy, and Felicia was their heart.
"I'm bozo 1" The smug. The sass. He really is the boss.
jinx ordering the same drink as her mother in season 1 when she was interrogating thieram is a nice touch :)
I love how Vander takes away the booze and replaces it with a soft drink.
That serving of a non-alcoholic drink was the first move of Vander saving Vi :-)
I really love this scene. The fact that despite everything, they were both always destined to look after Vi and Powder. I really really love this.
Their mother was so beautiful
it really is impressive how silco is able to completely change the tone of his voice. we've been so conditioned to hear him sounding menacing, scheming, but here he just sounds so lighthearted
Young Silco is the spitting IMAGE of Jinx. Their hair even falls the same way 😭
It's crazy how much Jinx is like her mother. From the hair braid to the fingernail polish. From the body shape to even the voice and attitude. It's cool.
I cried when I heard that it was Vander who gave Vi her name 😢
I really like their reaction to finding out. They dont jump to congratulate her, they look more worried than anything; something far more realistic given their economic circumstances
I love how Silco stops what he's doing and gives her his full attention after hearing she's pregnant.
I really love her design! There's a lot of Vi in her face and when she's sitting still, but when she moves and speaks it's 100% Jinx. The hair being the most obvious feature - I like the idea that Silco as she grew up helped Jinx style her hair more to look like her mother's. And of course Vander naming Vi.
This makes the falling out between Vander and Silco even more tragic
1:08 Silco slowly turning his head like “girl in this economy?” lmao yet he was so happy and committed, damn what a show
Is no one going to mention that Silco looks so gentle without his scars?
She was their soul. With her gone. It all just fell apart 😭😭😭😭
The way she's dancing is so natural😮