Inspiring and relatable story! I’m currently the 22 yr old in your story. Thanks for sharing !
So inspiring! ❤️ I am considering taking my CPA exams after my bachelor's degree. Thank you for sharing such a great story.
As an analyst trying to go through the CPA exams for more than 2 years now, I wanna thank you for your video. This helps tremendously finding the motivation to continue the hustle and finish these exams. Not easy, but the reward seems to be worth it. Thanks for sharing your experience 🙏
It’s such an inspiration seeing you speak about the luxuries of passing the exam. I relate so much to your story, also have 2 Mexican immigrant parents, first to go to college, first in corporate environment, 22 yrs old but have already been working, lowkey feeling screwed. But my biggest motivation has been the desire to see the 3 letters behind my name and give back to my family. Much love and Keep doing what you’re doing!!!
Thanks for sharing. It’s encouraging hearing from you being from Latino family. I’m older, and work in construction as a concrete finisher,however; I hope in one year I’ll finish my bs in accounting from WGU. Hearing your story has motivated me to continue and not give up. Thanks alot.
Thanks for your videos! Please post more on the "how to audit" series. Your teaching style including tips and tricks along the way is great!
Very inspiring 🎉gives me motivation to continue especially as a first generation student
I’m studying for my license right now, going to take Reg first. Planning to take it in September!
Earned a sub with me. I currently lives in queens nyc and in school for accounting. I enjoy my classes, cant to finish up, get my CPA and work. Changing from construction management to accounting
Thanks for sharing your story. I feel like I'm late to the career path, which makes me have my own insecurities. Like you, no one in my family graduated from college. I'm trying to be serious about a career and make changes in my life. I hope that accounting can change my life forever, too.
Thank you for sharing!!! ❤ This was the encouragement I needed.
😊You are the most down-to-earth accounting blogger I’ve ever seen. You feel like both a mentor and a good friend. I’m also starting out in the auditing industry and didn’t know much at first. I found your videos while searching for information on accrued expenses. Although you speak quite quickly, I really enjoy your videos and hope you continue making them.
Nice place! Congrats on becoming a CPA!
Thank you so much man of God, I truly appreciate you. I too will become a CPA. Any tips and recommendations would be appreciated. For example, if you had to start over, what would you do differently?
I like your honesty. Subscribed
As the son of immigrant parents, I feel you. The stress is killing me.
You inspire me to get it done!
Hi Bryan. Loved the video. I am currently going through my CPA exams from India. I would be grateful if you could guide on How international CPA students who have cleared CPA exams can find work for the experience and Licensing requirements. Love your story! Inspiring. Regards.
Nice to see you making videos again