
I'm digging these SHOT Show updates.  Thanks for fighting the good fight!


David, Would love to see you review the R7 Tactical.  Haven't seen the 15 round variant in the wild yet, but always felt like  the short grip of the 10 and 13 round mags scared people away from what is a well textured gun with a really good trigger.  With the 15 round mags, looks like you can get a full four finger grip, which Im guessing greatly enhances shootability.


Nice one for sure . The 1900 price tag is a bit steep .


MSRP on the Mako OPtic included (holosun 407k) e magazines, and an MFT holster. MSRP 951 though some sites have it listed at 777 bucks out of stock) 

The optic ready (not included) is MSRP 734 and includes the holster and 3 magazines like the OI version and is listed on eurooptic, and scope list for 599


I'm glad to hear Kimber may have upped their game on build quality for the KDS9c.  My opinion is Kimber's quality has been way down for probably 10 years.  They got a good reputation and then just rode that at max profit.  They are no Dan Wesson,but they charge pretty close to many of them......


Kimber make an xl that makes the 13s flush fit and the threaded barrel flush fit


Thanks for the review. Does it look and feel similar to a Wilson Combat SFX or EDC at a $1000+ higher price point?


Now a full size with rail or no rail option.


Nightwood didn't like how the KDSC9c behaved when compared to BUL or Stacc.  That's kinda concerning forthe price of the gun.  I would honestly look elsewhere before I chose Kimber.


Don’t know it anyone else has pointed this out…looks A LOT like a Wilson Combat … especially the pinned grip safety


He also says the bul armory AIR is all tool steel parts when they are actually MIM so verify his claims with the manufacturer if that’s important to you.


I want one of rhe kds9c but lots of people keep telling me its terrible qc.


Just for clarity are both the railed and non-railed no mim parts? Cause i have seen the original for $1200 and if that is zero mim, that is very interesting. I don't need a rail.


People crying about price can go order a EDC9 from Wilson lmao.




Kimber is the most overrated gun of the 21st century. fight me!


Have you ever reviewed a BAD gun?????     LOL


Not really new. Been out a while now.