
Peace and blessings


I enjoyed that discussion Maayan. 🇮🇱🕊️👍🏾


I support Israel


Particularly since He said the most important commandment was to love God and our neoghbors


Thanks you sir  we can understand.


Finding  life free   god bless you.


God bless you sir
Thanks you


I have been a Christian for most of my 80 yrs. I have heard in my church those who say “ the jews killed Christ! “ I find it  necessary to correct  their theology and inform them that my sins and theirs are responsible for His death!


I stand  with  Israel




1:22 mst Is Benny  giving a 40% discount on Gaza today?




As a Jewiving in America I honestly wish that the American Jewish community would NOT be so concerned with the political situation of Netanyahu. The people of Israel have free will to elect WHO they want to lead them.  We in the US certainly do not like when people of foreign countries try to exert influence in our elections, so we should certainly be respectful of the citizens in Israel. We are stronger when we stand together, why look to spread division??


Send them to the west bank... Simple solution


Uk needs to withdraw from un natural sitting. 
And accept hollyland ❤ as central of hart.
Innocent life globally is not responsible for jewish suffering.


No one any one response.


Standing with palestine 🇵🇸


Not unhelpful… how cautious can you be? I hope intelligence and AI will do their work. It is not about the deal.. it is about antisemitism and the effect on conflicts if  one of both sides took hostages. This should be studied thoroughly. Worldwide. 🎗️Everybody Free🎗️


The scriptures say that the Lord well bring the Jews back to Israel in the end times but with so many being left winged this could make the state of Israel more unstable with more control by the left wing judges ruling Israel taking the country away from a democratic nation also making it harder for the Messianic [Christian] Jews to live there