Stairmaster to heaven.
Bobby should use lots of these random ideas on the stage . They are so funny
Saint Peter going.....bud, buddy, pal what are we doing here 😂😂😂
“My 600lb afterlife”! I’d watch that for at least a season..
Escalator to heaven!
No, he didn’t make it that far he broke the stairway to heaven
Beeing in heaven and never getting out of bed
The yellow letters for Bobby and Red for Andrew is so funny I love these 2
THIS is why they are great together! First, one of them lobs a premise. The other effortlessly catches it and throws it back harder and away they go! Smooth as silk. Shout out to Fancy 🫘 for the great laugh track!
This is so good, can’t wait for what’s next.
I think he is describing how meteorites and meteors are brought into the atmosphere
Nope... Down... Hell babyyy... 😂
Y’all are wild work😂🤣
I'm sure there is something against gluttony in that book 😂
They wouldn't be able to walk up the stairs to the pearly gates 🤪
So fat the Stairway to Heaven collapses
That's why there is Stairway to heaven, not a F elevator
walk a couble laps thorugh the sky LOOl