
Still listening to Archers every single day


str8 OG killers this band wrote some of the best songs of the 90s


Very nostalgic for The Cramps "Date For Elvis" album. In the summer of 1987 my friend asked me to help him build a small Skateboard ramp in his backyard. He went into his home  to play that record & blasted it really loud so we could hear it outside while we were working on the ramp.


Go, go Archers of Loaf! Had Icky Mettle and Vee Vee on heavy rotation in the mid 90's. Love all their records. White Trash Heroes is a masterpiece. Criminally underrated band. Missed the tour a couple years back . Please tour again!


Pretty pumped you had Archers Of Loaf do this!!!


Amazing band a personal favorite. Steel Pole Bath Tub is great too! ;)


Replacements vinyl looks incredible. Need to pick that up


Great selections. When you start off with The Replacements, you’ve got me hooked!


Wow. The Ink Spots. That’s very cool you guys are into that and rock! Very cool choices. Thanks.


Ink Spots are incredible.


Cool guys. All natural filling. No artificial flavours. Good picks.


one of my absolute favorite bands of all time, love them so much


Cool guys.  I love the Cramps, they are crazy good.  My father who would be in his nineties today if he was still alive, liked the Ink Spots.  I listen to them now , and enjoy their singing.


it seems Joni Mitchell is mentioned more than any artist --great episode love the channel


King Tubbys Meets Rockers Uptown chosen back-toback episodes. The guy from The New Pornographers chose it too!


Never heard of the residents before but it looks a lot of fun


Two solid dudes
The world needs more mats bootlegs!!


They have great taste.  And yes... I have a copy of their work.


Funny to see this.  I remember seeing these guys in Chapel Hill all the time back when I was in college many many years ago.  They don't look the same at all.


awesome selection