So you're saying Australia actually got nerfed..
History buffs please don't look up 'eromanga' and expect to see cool prehistoric animals. You will not find that. You will instead find anime booba. Which is also cool if that's what you were looking for. But not cool if you were looking for giga-sharks in ancient Australia. You have been warned.
So what you're telling me is that this prehistoric sea was essentially a massive battleground where all the ocean's biggest and baddest from previous eras could compete to retake the oceans. And those big baddies were joined by an upstart, an underdog, namely: sharks. The entire sea is gone, yet sharks remain. Would make one hell of an anime.
Australia actually makes sense when you remember that as an isolated continent, everything on it had to evolve to be as vicious as possible to survive. Australia is the real world equivalent to Skull Island.
If Steve Irwin ever had the chance to go back to prehistoric Australia, he’d absolutely would’ve tried to wrangle a Kronosaurus. “CRIKEY! LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THOSE JAWS AND TEETH! Ain’t she a beaut?!”
0:52 getting jumped on a golf course by a kangaroo is bananas. I know we're all here for the prehistoric content but this clip is too crazy not to comment on
As an Aussie born in a southern state, in my opinion it’s much safer on land than in the ocean especially in the northern areas, I was recently visiting family in Seisia and Bamaga and was urged by everyone not to get close to the sea or swim anywhere we didn’t already know to be safe, not even dipping my toes on the shore as there is an absolute multitude of Saltwater crocs, Sharks, poisonous fish and jellyfish waiting for someone to fuck up and fall in, it’s actually a recurring problem in the northern states where locals and tourists fall in creeks and rivers and instantly get eaten in front of their families by massive crocs, I’d take having to outrun a little funnelweb or carefully avoid a brown snake again than to try and out swim a crocodile which by the way, live in both fresh and saltwater, so have fun avoiding them
As an Aussie who hasn't watched the video yet: the land is still safer than the water. The water has sharks, saltwater cros that eat sharks, and irukanji
As an aussie in the north, between the crocs, sharks, jellyfish and all sorts of other venomous sealife you're definetly still safer on land here.
props to the cameraman for going into the past to capture all these shots of dinosaurs
"So when did Australia become so deadly?" Every scientist & history book known to man: Yes
"The Eromanga was extremely shallow" That line got me 😭
as an aussie I can confirm that we have to swim everywhere as even stepping on the land will get you jumped by a gang of kangaroos
You guys ready for the extinctzoo challenge? The next time you run a dungeons and dragons or other similar game, you can only use creatures featured in extinctzoo videos.
0:30 “Mornin’, murder log.” “G’day, rage fish. How goes it?”
3:26 "peak nopeness" is so funny I'mma add it to my lexicon 😂
Upbeat 90's music plays "Yup. That's me. You're probably wondering how I got here. To answer that though, we're gonna have to go way, way back."
Your skill for saying all of the scientific names without stumbling or pausing makes you very engaging to listen to! The lack of interruption means the listener isn’t drawn out of the narrative to think about how their own pronunciation attempts would sound.
The best yt chanel to watch while high