Synopsis: The school gangster movie "Detention" tells the story of the protagonist Chen Haonan. Due to his cowardice, selfishness and irresponsibility, the boss wanted to reform and cultivate educated people. Then he gave Chen Haonan a three-month opportunity. After getting his diploma, he was made an administrative manager. Chen Haonan returned to school and was worshipped as an idol by several cowardly people, but was reprimanded by the dean of discipline, so he had a grudge with the dean. Chen Haonan cheated in the first mock exam and became a typical example. He was expelled from school and placed on probation. In Hong Kong, Chen Haonan's performance in school was sent to the rival of Dongxing Company in the form of a letter by the school. The boss Big Brother B came to Min with the letter, which made Min extremely embarrassed. In the physical education class, Chen Haonan offended the three good brothers in the dormitory because of the identification of contraband and left the dormitory. When he was lonely at the beach at night, the boss video-called Chen Haonan, making his situation even more embarrassing.
故事简介: 校园古惑仔电影《暴走留学生》讲述主人公陈好难在他的懦弱、自私和毫无担当下,使得老大想要改革,培养有文化的人,继而给陈好难三个月的机会,拿到毕业证,就让他做行政经理。陈好难回到学校就被几个懦弱之人奉为偶像,却被训导主任训话,因此跟主任结下了仇怨。一模考试陈好难作弊成典型。通报被开除学籍,留校察看。香港方面,陈好难在学校的表现,被学校以信的形式寄到东兴公司的对手洪兴公司,老大大B哥拿着信来找敏哥,让敏哥极为尴尬。体育课上,因违禁品的指认,使得陈好难得罪了寝室的三个好兄弟,离开寝室。在夜里的海边落寞的时候,老大视频通话陈好难使得境遇更加窘迫。
出品 Studio: 东盛七娱传媒 East Seven Pictures, 淘梦影业 Tmeng Pictures.
制片人 Produced by:
导演 Directed by: 熊琛 Xiong Chen.
编剧 Screenplay by: 熊琛 Xiong Chen.
主演 Starring: 熊琛 Xiong Chen, 陈惠敏 Chan Wai-man 曾玮明 Bobby Tsang, 吴志雄 Frankie Ng, 王文思 Wang Wensi.
题材 Genres: #movie #电影 #film #fullmovie #古惑仔 #gangster #校园 #school
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