A book on Kenya: amzn.to/3i8Ca1e
A travel guide to Kenya: amzn.to/36d7Zn6
My gear:
My go-to camera: amzn.to/3kTgR5j
My favorite lens: amzn.to/3mYHx6J
My on the go tripod: amzn.to/36auidf
My Microphone: amzn.to/3n1t1Li
Favorite light: amzn.to/3iahRk2
My favorite laptop to work on: amzn.to/3jcevhw
My CHEAP lapel mic: amzn.to/36jcYTa
Instagram: www.instagram.com/harshilpatel92/
Fun Fact: I was born in Kenya.
When I tell people I was born in Kenya, the frequently asked question I get asked is.. IS KENYA SAFE?
But the problem with me answering this question is that my parents who lived there for 16 years only surrounded themselves with other Indians. So their perception is skewed to some degree. And I moved to America when I was 3, so I barely remember anything.
But I was still curious to answer this question, so I connected with a local who has lived in Kenya her whole life to help me answer this question: Is Kenya safe?
Follow me on Instagram: instagram.com/harshilpatel92