Welcome to Xee Production! In this video, we present "Parho Lailaha Ilalah Kalma Sharif," a heart-touching and spiritually uplifting recitation by our talented artist, Saddam Hussain Qadri.
This Kalma Sharif is a profound expression of faith and devotion. Listen to this soulful recitation and connect with the divine.
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♪ Title: Parho Lailaha Ilalah Kalma Sharif 2024
♪ Vocalist: Saddam Hussain Qadri
♪ Audio: Xee Production
♪ Production & Label: Xee Production
♪ Producer (XP): Zeshan Chaudhary
♪ Composition: Saddam Hussain Qadri
Special Thanks:
We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated community and the individuals who have continuously supported Xee Production. Your encouragement and enthusiasm inspire us to share beautiful and profound recitations with the world.
A special thank you to our loyal subscribers and viewers for their unwavering support and love. Your engagement and feedback are invaluable to us. We are also deeply thankful to our talented artist, Saddam Hussain Qadri, for his exceptional recitation and devotion to preserving the rich heritage of Islamic poetry and prayers.
Thank you all for being a part of this journey. Your support helps us keep the spirit of Islamic devotion alive.
Kalma Sharif,
Lailaha Ilalah,
Saddam Hussain Qadri,
Xee Production,
Heartouching Kalma,
Spiritual Recitations,
Islamic Poetry,
Sufi Poetry,
Faithful Recitations,
Sufi Music,
Spiritual Songs,
Kalma 2024,
Islamic Devotion,
Soulful Recitations,
Devotional Poetry,
Saddam Hussain Qadri Kalma,
Beautiful Islamic Recitations,
Spiritual Upliftment,
Kalma e Tayyiba,
Divine Connection,
#KalmaSharif #LailahaIlalah #SaddamHussainQadri #XeeProduction #HeartouchingKalma #SpiritualRecitations #IslamicPoetry #SufiPoetry #FaithfulRecitations #DivineConnection
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This content is the property of Xee Production and is protected by copyright laws. Any unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or reuploading of this content is prohibited