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BE DELUSIONAL - Powerful Motivational Speech Video (ft. Will Smith, Les Brown, Marcus A. Taylor)

Be delusional in the pursuit of your dream.


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Will Smith

Busta Rhymes
via DOAC:    / @thediaryofaceo  

Marcus A. Taylor
YouTube: bit.ly/38FUFoS
Instagram: bit.ly/3aLfu3P
Facebook: bit.ly/2TB9uoi
Twitter: twitter.com/unlockelevation
Website: unlockelevation.com/
Booking Link: bit.ly/BookMarcusTaylor
Book Marcus to speak at your organization: bit.ly/BookMarcusTaylor
FREE 10 Day Challenge by Marcus Taylor: bit.ly/UnlockElevation
Playlist: evolveorexpire.com/

William Hollis
YouTube: bit.ly/WillHollisYouTube
Instagram: www.instagram.com/williamkinghollis/
Facebook: bit.ly/2LNZtgA
Website: williamhollismotivation.com/

Billionaire PA
YouTube: youtube.com/user/WealthyMindsEnt
Instagram: www.instagram.com/billionairepa/
Twitter: twitter.com/billionairepa
Facebook: www.facebook.com/billionairepafans/
Website: wealthymindsonline.com/

Les Brown
The voice you hear in this video is that of Les Brown. His story and messages are unlike no other. He has a free 30-day challenge through email that I guarantee will motivate you. Go to his website at lesbrown.com. I did it and it was AMAZING.

Tom Bilyeu
   / @tombilyeu  

Tony Gonzalez
via Lewis Howes: youtube.com/user/lewishowes

Florencia Andres
via Mindvalley:    / @mindvalley  

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▶Music licensed from Audiojungle

▶Video footage: All video footage used is either licensed through either CC-BY or from various stock footage websites. All creative commons footage is listed at the end of the video and is licensed under CC-BY 3.0.

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#Motiversity #motivation #BeDelusional #believeinyourself
