~ Give this Video A thumbs up if enjoyed the it. Also don't forget to share your opinion!
~ Aww This couple is sooo cute XD !I find this song recently and thought it would be a good match. Hope you would enjoy!
Also I Had noo idea that Alight motion can be this hard...so there are some mistakes...(First time trying this app) 😅
🌼 Thank You so Much to my all supporters
I Love you guys 🌼
~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
▶Information about AMV: -
Thumbnail : images.app.goo.gl/ZwumDNAT39xnMGaw8
▶Anime - Jibaku shounen hanako-kun
▶Ship - Hanako kun x Yashiro ||Hanashiro
▶Song - I need you by Reynard silva🔽
⏩ • Video
I used - Nightcore by Shin Clark
⏩ • Nightcore - I need you
▶ Hope u guys like it
▶I do Not own anything!!
✨ Enjoy ❤
Tags -
#AMV #HanakokunxYashiro #TitaniaErza #Jibakushounenhanako-kun #INeedYou
#ReynardSilva #Music #Video #Anime #Otaku #SumikoCore #Nightcore #StaySafe