Timestamps. Learn about garden bagged soils and fertilizers so you dont scammed, tricked, or fooled out of your money. Learn what you actually need for your vegetable garden.
No Grow-Lights Needed! Grow Any Vegetable Transplant Indoors (In & Out Method) • No Grow-Lights Needed! Grow Any Veget...
My 2nd YouTube Channel Geared Towards Brand New Gardeners
My First Vegetable Garden: bit.ly/3POOjMq
0:00 Introduction
0:42 Part One: Bagged Soil Scams
1:14 Best Ways to Save Money Buying Soil
2:20 Topsoil, Premium Topsoil, Lawn Soil Explained
3:10 What the Heck is Citrus Soil? A Scam
3:26 What is a Bagged of Garden Soil?
4:05 No Such Thing as Raised Bed Mix - Label Scam
4:16 Beware of Wood Particles in Your Bagged Products
4:40 Are Bagged Manures & Composts Good?
4:55 What a Good Potting Mix?
5:20 'Grow Plants Twice as Big' A BIG Labelling Scam
6:08 The 'Moisture Control' Scam - It's Just Peat Moss
6:30 The 'Organic' Label Scam - Bagged Soil is Not Regulated
7:00 Bagged Soil Main Points Recap
7:32 My Recommendation When Buying Bagged Products
7:50 Really Only 3 Types of Bagged Soil Products
8:43 Part Two: Buying Fertilizers
9:05 You Only Need ONE Type of Bagged Fertilizer (Maybe 2)
9:37 Don't Get Fooled By Fancy Labelling Scams
10:05 The BUY Specialized Fertilizers Scam
10:48 Price DIVIDED by Weight is the Best Way to Buy Fertilizer
11:30 Slow Release Fertilizers - N, P, K Ratings & Ingredients
15:49 A Bit About Water-Soluble Fertilizers
16:53 Fertilizer Recap and the Basics You Need to Start
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Visit My Seed and Garden Shop
The Rusted Garden Vegetable Seeds & Home Garden Supplies: www.therustedgarden.com
My Books:
The Modern Homestead Garden: Growing Self-Sufficiency in Any Size Backyard
Available Now amzn.to/40rfkIb
Growing An Edible Landscape: How to Transform Your Outdoor Space Into a Food Garden amzn.to/41tfno2
Contact Me at therustedgardenmerch@gmail.com for questions or if you are interested in collaborations, affiliations or advertising.
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Products I Use and Recommend and I have an affiliation with them:
GreenStalk Vertical Gardening Towers
Use the Discount Code THERUSTEDGARDEN on GreenStalk 'Vertical Tier Systems'. Use this link and enter my code for the $10 discount greenstalkgarden.com/?rstr=therustedgarden
AgroThrive Organic Bio-Fertilizers
Use my affiliate link and my code TRG10 to save 10% on your first order: agrothrive.com/?ref=M5o6fjdAruq_S
Vegega Metal Raised Beds
Check out all the metal bed design & colors (dozens) at Vegega. Here is my affiliate link use my code TRG to save 10%: www.vegega.com/?ref=le64f3gm30
There is often free shipping and my code does NOT stack when current sales are active and equal to or above 10% off.
Popular Items from My Seed and Garden Shop...
The Rusted Garden T-Shirts & Other Merchandise: bit.ly/3TSd2kc
Seed Starting, Growing, and Pest Management Oils
Neem Oil: bit.ly/43IJl9C
Peppermint Oil: bit.ly/43IJl9C
Rosemary Oil: bit.ly/43IJl9C
100 Gallon Fabric Pots (approximately 100 Gallons): bit.ly/3PMoZ9S
#20 Gallon Fabric Pots (21.32 Gallons): bit.ly/43Hz9OA
#10 Gallon Fabric Pots (10.44 Gallons): bit.ly/3J5lEyK
#5 Gallon Fabric Pots (4.3 Gallons): bit.ly/3J5lEyK
1 Quart Seed Starting Fabric Pots: bit.ly/43HQE1c
Seed Starting Standard Plastic Flats: bit.ly/4cF326m
Seed Starting Cells/Containers: bit.ly/3PMaCT1
2 1/2" Square Seed Starting Containers: bit.ly/43GOQWv
10 Cool Weather Garden Crops for Spring & Fall: bit.ly/3xw3Ji5
10 Leafy 'Greens' Varieties for an Easy Greens Garden: bit.ly/4akuHIl
10 Warm Weather Garden Crops for Summer: bit.ly/4cHqIap
The Rusted Garden Heirloom Tomato Seed Selections: bit.ly/49towQK
The Rusted Garden Pepper Seed Selections: bit.ly/3U1G1TM