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FORTNITE FAILS & Epic Wins! #469 (Fortnite Chapter 6 Funny Moments)

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The best Fortnite Chapter 6 Funny Moments, Fails, Highlights & Epic Wins!
✦ Submit YOUR Fortnite Chapter 6 Clips! redarcade.com/submit

The Godzilla/Kong event and mythics were just added to the files in the latest Fortnite Chapter 6 update! Are you excited for Godzilla in Fortnite? In todays video we take a look at what might happen if Godzilla jumps on a bunch of crashpads, we also take a look at the best Fortnite Chapter 6 and OG funny moments, myths, fails, clips, highlights, epic moments, wtf/karma moments, and so much more! Hope you enjoyed this episode of Fortnite Fails & Epic Wins and if you did be sure to leave a like and subscribe for more Fortnite Chapter 6 videos! :)

► Check out some other videos!
• Fortnite Fails & Wins Ep468:    • FORTNITE FAILS & Epic Wins! #468 (For...  
• Top 200 Unlucky Fortnite Moments:    • 200 UNLUCKIEST Fortnite Moments!  
• Top 1000 Fortnite Fails:    • TOP 1000 FUNNIEST FAILS IN FORTNITE (...  
• 1 in 1,000,000 Fortnite Moments!    • FORTNITE FAILS & Epic Wins! #445 (For...  

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🎮 Featured Players:
sHamU_s: redarca.de/is2df
Kimchii07: redarca.de/wDbd0
Timehop: redarca.de/oN7ez
IcePhoenixTTV: redarca.de/Gw8K6
VibezFire: redarca.de/twk04
Spyida: redarca.de/flDt3
rayFPS: redarca.de/28ENs
Lexgo07: redarca.de/rvmSn
FlameHairYEET: redarca.de/SaNjL
watyus: redarca.de/Ljzkf
Nitr0321: redarca.de/a3svV
AngelCarbonell7: redarca.de/ONFXZ
Pong294: redarca.de/6Y7fp
PogeDoge: redarca.de/5OS64
bacunboy: redarca.de/Hmjww
ketchips: redarca.de/OExQD
uhremmi: redarca.de/VKvqq
melomvnia: redarca.de/jQX6J
Doofyyy: redarca.de/Y7Osf
agqny: redarca.de/oHe5Y
driplikemason: redarca.de/aUu6s
Rens_Ygosse: redarca.de/RNBzm
Freddinx: redarca.de/RNcVP
gallowdance: redarca.de/lWscC
Durrdurr: redarca.de/9fVEY
Tul: redarca.de/VS63q
ViolentKing5: redarca.de/3pOeF
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andoki: redarca.de/hoGd7
miwe09: redarca.de/VVku7
elerman: redarca.de/MuNah
geeesssaaa: redarca.de/sp2eI
speck1: redarca.de/ouv7Q
Gildemeister: redarca.de/RcyVu
MAUROST: redarca.de/x1xSv
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jaitix: redarca.de/cgnLp
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yagolego: redarca.de/TLNJm
obeykenzi: redarca.de/IDVUF
Maxi24092010: redarca.de/uue7v
K-boomX94: redarca.de/r9ozU
J4yi: redarca.de/BAMVX
Deviati0n: redarca.de/ltq0R
Jay_lokey_tuff: redarca.de/V4dKD
RogerReacts: redarca.de/xUWqU
Swishyfr: redarca.de/9nABD
The Iceman: redarca.de/YXo14
Chickenpatty321: redarca.de/tG0ft
flvr_twaz: redarca.de/PZ6z8
oli0fog: redarca.de/V4hDT

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Red Arcade has permission from Medal.TV, in accordance with Medal.TV’s policies, to feature Medal clips in our videos for marketing purposes. If your Medal.TV clip was in this video and you would like to request removal and further use, please fill out this form: forms.gle/VHFbt3yTgbUafAQ69

On Red Arcade you'll find all the greatest gaming clips from your favorite games combined with creative and high-quality editing. We spend 20-30 hours editing to transform the clips into something unique you can't find anywhere else!

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#RedArcade #Fortnite #Fails #FunnyMoments #FortniteClips #fortnitechapter6 #chapter6
