Condensation, precipitation, infiltration, runoff, and evaporation
These hydrologic cycle stages go continuously!
The water cycle describes the travels of our water supplies,
Total water remains constant! Its movement maintains life!
Clouds condense from vapour supplies when evaporated waters rise,
When water evaporates from plants, it’s called transpiration!
When sublimation occurs, ice transforms into water vapours
Deposition is when water vapour turns to ice!
Water leaves clouds as snow and rain, precipitation upon terrain,
As this water flows toward the ocean, it’s called surface runoff!
Snowmelt also gives a ton of further runoff to the ocean
Rivers, streams are tributaries flowing to large rivers
Infiltration of water is found when freshwater soaks into the ground!
Now below ground there’s subsurface flow heading for the ocean!
Groundwater is below ground! In soil and rock fractures it’s found,
It is a large freshwater supply which we must all protect!
A reservoir is where water collects before it goes farther
Residence time is average time, spent in a reservoir!
The water cycle describes the travels of our water supplies,
Total water remains constant! Its movement maintains life!
Tune from "Wellerman"