Singapore is an island country and city-state in Southeast Asia. It is well known for its modern architecture and advanced infrastructure. However, Singapore also belongs to the world's greenest metropolises. Lush tropical forests in nature parks and reserves provide home for secretive inhabitants of this city - snakes. A surprisingly rich diversity of these reptiles survive on the island and peacefully coexist with humans in the densely populated area. Education and respect are the foundational stones for peaceful coexistence with snakes. They need a space for living, like any other animal. In Singapore, they have it, because this is the city that learned how to blend nature with urban living.
In this documentary you will see a wide variety of snake species, including the longest snake in the world, the Reticulated python, and the longest venomous snake in the world, the King cobra. Another amazing snake is the Malayan blue coral snake, a venomous snake with the longest venom glands of all venomous snakes. The Wagler's pit viper exhibits a fascinating sexual dimorphism. Some other species included in the documentary are the Western mangrove cat snake, Paradise flying tree snake, Dog-faced water snake, Mangrove pit viper, Asian vine snake and more...