\No hungry welcome!/
I won't let you leave until you're full. It's a race—will you get full first, or will we run out of ingredients first? It's a battle!
Their extreme warm services look entertainment!
New type of TV show ーHeartwarming "Foodocumentary" Omoumaー
▶The program is available for streaming after it airs!
Locipo locipo.jp/playlist/383eeea7-9cf1-4375-8bf8-9adf9f9…
TVer tver.jp/lp/f0071931
Hulu www.hulu.jp/heartwarming-foodocumentary-omouma
▶ Also broadcasting on each SNS!
TikTok www.tiktok.com/@omouma_ctv?lang=ja-JP
X twitter.com/omouma_CTV
instagram www.instagram.com/omouma_ctv/
Airing every Tuesday from 7pm on the Nippon Television Network
"Human Gourmetary: Omoumai Shops"
Program website www.ctv.co.jp/omouma/
There are many "amazing shops" all over Japan that are far beyond our imagination!
Our staff searched all over Japan for the "Omoumai" restaurant that we have not yet found!
When we find a restaurant that interests us, we go in and negotiate! Our persistent research and interview style!
Our "foodie" staff runs all over Japan to discover Omoumai restaurants!
Their amazing and hilarious service to customers turns into respect before you know it
It gives you courage and energy to live for tomorrow!
#OmoumaiRestaurant #Omouma #ChukyoTV #HumanGourmet #GourmetProgram #KanagawaGourmet #Kanagawa #KANAGAWA #Kawasaki #Seafood #Tuna #Crab #AllYouCanEat #SuperCheap #LargeServings #heartwarming #food #JapaneseFood #documentary #JAPAN