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FORTNITE FAILS & Epic Wins! #459 (Fortnite Chapter 6 Funny Moments)

The best Fortnite Chapter 6 Funny Moments, Fails, Highlights & Epic Wins!
✦ Submit YOUR Fortnite Chapter 6 Clips! redarcade.com/submit

Fortnite Chapter 6 (Hunters) is finally here with Godzilla, Void/Fire Oni Mask, new weapons and mythics, and more! In todays video we take a look at the best Fortnite Chapter 6 funny moments, myths, fails, clips, highlights, epic moments, wtf/karma moments, and so much more! Hope you enjoyed this episode of Fortnite Fails & Epic Wins and if you did be sure to leave a like and subscribe for more upcoming Fortnite Chapter 6 videos! :)

► Check out some other videos!
• Fortnite Fails & Wins Ep458:    • FORTNITE FAILS & Epic Wins! #458 (For...  
• Top 200 Unlucky Fortnite Moments:    • 200 UNLUCKIEST Fortnite Moments!  
• Top 1000 Fortnite Fails:    • TOP 1000 FUNNIEST FAILS IN FORTNITE (...  
• 1 in 1,000,000 Fortnite Moments!    • FORTNITE FAILS & Epic Wins! #445 (For...  

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🎮 Featured Players:
eiNRiX: redarca.de/Jg6mW
mihhno: redarca.de/pj1no
Noryxx: redarca.de/it0G4
DCYN0T: redarca.de/WTFmb
Hopeful: redarca.de/SvGL7
spwbb: redarca.de/QuWXP
scovver: redarca.de/aveYX
bixxy: redarca.de/8NGra
1636778: redarca.de/FBmJY
Nychi: redarca.de/5V1Wv
SebasMF: redarca.de/K4FeZ
boazgamerplace: redarca.de/AxLIK
Goose God: redarca.de/vsvmr
tuhleea: redarca.de/qzwY2
Nick_Wilde17: redarca.de/JBgwD
wezNeperdol: redarca.de/8AckH
MKG SpaceBar56: redarca.de/TY0C4
dolo_abb2_03439: redarca.de/xxxUk
u6666ory: redarca.de/PIwcJ
TriableMarlin67: redarca.de/4CPF1
DenizYanto: redarca.de/THrkL
Its_MyGoat: redarca.de/mymj8
DrKranky 30349: redarca.de/mGdFO
McDobbs: redarca.de/RH6k2
Otf Fah: redarca.de/2dcaY
GiveMeALazar: redarca.de/eZ0vN
K-boomX94: redarca.de/qQlDP
RandomArmin: redarca.de/2251q
Mells0n: redarca.de/zzbqR
makaouki: redarca.de/iQsj6
yhlcarl: redarca.de/NDJJn
INFINITY--Oficial: redarca.de/Q0GOT
CactusDad_: redarca.de/L01qs
Elias_SM: redarca.de/puWIh
s7isbetter: redarca.de/jR3U2
bone45: redarca.de/6EWW0
Virus: redarca.de/18gTL
ToxicityyFr: redarca.de/3Z7Fi
Dilemmazhits: redarca.de/Mvslo
Lucid22: redarca.de/kcoSh
oweflockka: redarca.de/AX5lI
Xx Nussis6002:
beets_2: redarca.de/vIOc8
Shockzifyhits: redarca.de/p2Vh7

© Red Arcade always has the player's permission to feature their clip. If there are any mistakes with the credits, or someone submitted your clip claiming it was theirs please contact us via Twitter or using the email listed in our channel details.

Red Arcade has permission from Medal.TV, in accordance with Medal.TV’s policies, to feature Medal clips in our videos for marketing purposes. If your Medal.TV clip was in this video and you would like to request removal and further use, please fill out this form: forms.gle/VHFbt3yTgbUafAQ69

On Red Arcade you'll find all the greatest gaming clips from your favorite games combined with creative and high-quality editing. We spend 20-30 hours editing to transform the clips into something unique you can't find anywhere else!

Notice: As an part of the Support-A-Creator program, we earn revenue when you use code RedArcade in the Fortnite item shop (and other Epic services/games). Thank you for your support!

​​#RedArcade #Fortnite #Fails #FunnyMoments #FortniteClips #fortnitechapter6 #chapter6
