・Original song by Saster
• Blackened - Friday Night Funkin': Non...
・FLP by NotSureIfIamFl4n
• Blackened but Ninja dead, Markiplier,...
・2017x chromatic by Finle¥ Rendon & Joey Animations
Czer_ Rendon - 2017 EXE FNF SONG "Toetality" (+FLP)
• Czer_ Rendon - 2017 SONIC.EXE FNF SON...
Since the summary section stated that there was no problem using the song to cover the song, I interpreted this to mean that there was no problem using chromatic and I used it.
・2017x voice by TopMediAi
• Vocal only
The composition is that the real thing comes in for a showdown to determine which is the real S○NIC.
2017x truly believes he is a S○NIC and gets furious when denied.
Since Rewrite is a Warugashikai form, it has long been aware that it is not a S○NIC. Besides, he also realizes that the S○NIC who joins him later is a fake.
In other words, this is not really a confrontation, as Rewrite met 2017x at a time when Rewrite is calling himself S○NIC to fool someone and is just fobbing him off. So Rewrite has a relaxed attitude.
On the other hand, if Rewrite and 2017x meet when there are two rings, it will be hell where they are.
The thumbs are in odd positions on the 2017x because that's how the original design is.
To prevent fans of the original from accidentally finding this video, the O has been withheld.