Summer in Australia ☀️ it's winter now but back when I was visiting Busselton Margaret River it was going towards the end of summertime
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What you'll win? You'll win a $1000 Jetstar voucher and free 2 night stay at the Hilton Garden Inn (MUST enter via Instagram post)
📍Places I visited
First night
Shelter Brewing Co - IG @ShelterBrewingCo
Day 1
Meelup Farmhouse - IG @MeelupFarmhouse_
Black Rock Beach
Gin/Beer Tasting at Black Brewing Co - IG @BlackBrewingCo
Busselton Jetty
Day 2
White Elephant Café - IG @WhiteElephantCafe
‘Wines & Vines’ Golf Buggy Tour at Fraser Gallop Estate - IG @FraserGallopEst
Vasse Felix - IG @VasseFelixWines
Coffee & Chocolate Tasting at Providore and Margaret River Chocolate Factory - IG @ProvidoreWA & @MargaretRiverChocolateFactory
Busselton Pavilion - IG @BusseltonPavilion
Day 3
Breakfast at Together & Co - IG @HiltonGardenInnBusselton
Hotel 🏨 Hilton Garden Inn Busselton
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#summer #australia #dailyvlog #dailylife