In 2005 Rod Parsley rebuffed the notification that one of his “founding elders” had molested a child that was illegally employed by the church.
Later, that same “elder” impregnated another child!
That’s at least one victim Parsley could have prevented but evidently he was too busy protecting his “legacuh” to care about innocent children being SA'd or protecting his flock from predators.
Ohio law REQUIRES churches to report even the credible suspicion of molestation to law enforcement. That never happened. The result? Another devastated life of another young girl.
Was the child allowed to be born? We don't know. If the child was born, was compensation given to provide for it's support? Did Parsley compensate the victim? The minor child?
We have the receipts. The clock is ticking.
The story first broke on Mega Maniacs • Mega Maniacs Podcast Season 2 Ep 9 - ...
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#Terry Kelly
#Rod Parsley
#World Harvest Church
#Law Enforcement