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FORTNITE FAILS & Epic Wins! #453 (Fortnite Chapter 2 REMIX Funny Moments)

The best Fortnite Chapter 2 REMIX Funny Moments, Fails, Highlights & Epic Wins!
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Fortnite Chapter 2 REMIX is here with Snoop Dogg, Eminem, new mythics, and more! In todays video we take a look at the best Fortnite Chapter 2 Remix funny moments, myths, fails, clips, highlights, epic moments, wtf/karma moments, and so much more! Hope you enjoyed this episode of Fortnite Fails & Epic Wins and if you did be sure to leave a like and subscribe for more upcoming Fortnite Chapter 2 Remix videos! :)

► Check out some other videos!
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• 1 in 1,000,000 Fortnite Moments!    • FORTNITE FAILS & Epic Wins! #445 (For...  
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• Top 100 Instant Karma Moments In Fortnite:    • TOP 100 INSTANT KARMA MOMENTS IN FORT...  
• Top 1000 Fortnite Fails:    • TOP 1000 FUNNIEST FAILS IN FORTNITE (...  

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🎮 Featured Players:
lakaka_dady: redarca.de/1Ybmp
RealEllaBella: redarca.de/RRfMU
VansuM: redarca.de/Pw5PD
cactusdad_: redarca.de/u95ZZ
jj6502: redarca.de/7wBTC
TheeDonLV_79397: redarca.de/BEuao
Smelllvin: redarca.de/pSMNO
TYCEV: redarca.de/5peL0
Galaxy_World: redarca.de/dJBCM
_sindo_: redarca.de/t3Pim
ThickGoblin: redarca.de/3chZr
Vasenzi: redarca.de/PhXsE
Lunar3900: redarca.de/E1Api
AresMedalACC: redarca.de/CUTf9
3rdRowRBX: redarca.de/c8r9R
Addison9971: redarca.de/pRlwF
5ocial: redarca.de/Puox8
Ackzy: redarca.de/Y7W93
Maxxed: redarca.de/JE7Ir
voidregen: redarca.de/tUqTy
AtzelBlaze: redarca.de/PiLyn
melomvnia: redarca.de/Xxyrw
johnsoneater: redarca.de/hW1aT
wxvy jul: redarca.de/gOka9
mrhubbyman: redarca.de/D26gM
3M1L10: redarca.de/NcVHb
Aztek1: redarca.de/lUJWM
GameCastIdiots: redarca.de/QI6UE
Triska: redarca.de/PQxhZ
demenace: redarca.de/ZvcWH
StelseyLesser: redarca.de/BakPe
_EmperorArjayus_: redarca.de/SM0Zk
MinecraftPro 69: redarca.de/DDppX
ImPulse_21: redarca.de/hNawN
MEGA POWERX: redarca.de/tC0nS
kuromibatman: redarca.de/ftq3W
grodmannen: redarca.de/yIXbX
ZockReddi: redarca.de/1lfy5
EvologyMcCree: redarca.de/iVCt9
Hayzho: redarca.de/RnMYr
Pelon2sick: redarca.de/H4rEK
Fademon: redarca.de/U70m5
V4L2: redarca.de/0xAhK
jamorantisking: redarca.de/crnG9
Krydderboller: redarca.de/D4li6
SlapIsHot: redarca.de/IwKZG
Jeffrey_Ovak: redarca.de/PHDnV
extraaiscool: redarca.de/yoJ6P
Villum_den_3: redarca.de/wzlAE

© Red Arcade always has the player's permission to feature their clip. If there are any mistakes with the credits, or someone submitted your clip claiming it was theirs please contact us via Twitter or using the email listed in our channel details.

Red Arcade has permission from Medal.TV, in accordance with Medal.TV’s policies, to feature Medal clips in our videos for marketing purposes. If your Medal.TV clip was in this video and you would like to request removal and further use, please fill out this form: forms.gle/VHFbt3yTgbUafAQ69

On Red Arcade you'll find all the greatest gaming clips from your favorite games combined with creative and high-quality editing. We spend 20-30 hours editing to transform the clips into something unique you can't find anywhere else!

Notice: As an part of the Support-A-Creator program, we earn revenue when you use code RedArcade in the Fortnite item shop (and other Epic services/games). Thank you for your support!

#RedArcade #Fortnite #Fails #FunnyMoments #FortniteClips #fortniteseason2 #fortniteremix #fortnitechapter2remix
