School Of The Lost Tribes
BORN MAD Deuteronomy 28:34

Deuteronomy 28:34 highlights a specific aspect of the curses that would befall the Israelites as a result of their disobedience to God's commandments, focusing on the psychological or mental impact of their oppression. This verse describes a scenario where the continuous and severe oppression leads to a state of madness, illustrating not just a physical or external curse but an internal and profound mental affliction. The reference to madness in this context can be understood as a metaphor for extreme mental distress and illness, a direct consequence of the divine curse triggered by their failure to uphold the covenant with God.

This mental suffering is portrayed as part of the comprehensive adversities that would overwhelm the Israelites, encapsulating the totality of their despair and helplessness under the weight of divine judgment. It signifies the depth of their spiritual and physical dislocation from the place of favor with God, manifesting in acute psychological torment. This condition of mental illness as a result of divine punishment underscores the seriousness with which God regards the covenant and the severe implications of its breach.

The focus on mental illness resulting from oppression and divine curse in Deuteronomy 28:34 serves as a poignant reminder of the holistic impact of disobedience — affecting not only physical health, social standing, and economic prosperity but also profoundly impairing mental well-being. It reflects the belief that the well-being of the Israelites is intricately connected to their spiritual fidelity and that deviation from divine laws can lead to complete disintegration of one's mental, physical, and spiritual health.
